Faculdade Vale do Cricaré - UNIVC
Universidade Estadual da Bahia - UNEB/PARFOR
Espaço de divulgação de eventos e outras atividades relacionadas ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais (PPGAV) da UFRJ e produções artístico-culturais em geral.
Requisitos/Titulação mínima: Mestrado em Artes Visuais ou áreas afins, com tema da dissertação na área de Artes Visuais. Experiência profissional tanto no ensino superior quanto no campo da produção artística contemporânea.
Tabela salarial:
Classe | T-40 | TIDE | |||
Salário base | Com adicional de titulação | Salário base | Com adicional de titulação | ||
Prof. Assistente (Mestre) | R$ 2.342,33 | R$ 3.396,37 | R$ 3.630,61 | R$ 5.264,38 | |
Prof. Adjunto (Doutor) | R$ 2.943,44 | R$ 5.151,02 | R$ 4.562,33 | R$ 7.984,07 | |
Mais informações em:
Organização: Maria Cecilia Mollica, Cynthia Patusco Gomes da Silva, Maria de Fátima Barbosa.
Edições Tempo Brasileiro.
Faremos um lançamento durante o Congresso Internacional da ABRALIN, de 30/01 a 02/02 de 3013, na UFRN.
O livro já pode ser adquirido diretamente pelo site da Editora ou pelas principais livrarias como Livraria Cultura.
Um grande abraço.
Cecília Mollica.
Neurociência, alfabetização e mestrado profissional: uma perspectiva para a educação dos brasileiros.
Aniela Improta França
Marília Uchôa Cavalcanti Lott de Moraes Costa
Daniela Cid de Garcia
O papel da Consciência Fonológica na alfabetização de portadores de Síndrome de Down .
Cynthia Patusco Gomes da Silva
O professor do novo milênio .
Maria Cecilia Mollica
Discurso e Imagem nos Enunciados Matemáticos.
Rogério S. Lourenço
A interface entre a Análise Crítica do Discurso e a Comunicação Científica: reflexões acerca da sua relevância acadêmica e educacional .
Vânia Lisbôa da Silveira Guedes
A produção da redação escolar: uma reflexão sobre a dissertação breve amparada na Teoria da Relevância.
Marcos Goldnadel
Aline Aver Vanin
Isabel Janostiac
Educação a Distância: um espaço aberto .
Maria de Fatima S. O. Barbosa
Competência Informacional no Contexto da Biblioteca Escolar.
Aline Vieira do Nascimento
Arlete Sandra Mariano Alves Baubier
Raymundo das Neves Machado
A Formação de Professores Bilíngues em Projetos de Revitalização de Língua de Imigrantes: O Caso do PROEPO.
Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra
Beate Höhmann
Contato Linguístico e Ensino: a contribuição de línguas indígenas na aprendizagem do português brasileiro.
José de Ribamar Dias Carneiro
Maria José Quaresma Vale
Antônio Luiz Alencar Miranda
Contribuição da Psicanálise aos desafios contemporâneos da educação.
Mariana M. da Costa Ribeiro
Público-alvo: pesquisadores em arte sequencial (histórias em quadrinhos, cinema, animação e cultura pop em geral), estudantes (doutorandos, mestrandos, graduandos), profissionais da área e interessados em geral.
Formato: conferências e grupos de trabalho (GTs), com apresentação de trabalhos orais.
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SMART Cities & HYBRID Identities . Venice Opening: January 25, 2013 SMART Cities & HYBRID Identities, an International Art Festival of Photography, Video Art, Computer Graphics, Architecture and Performing Art, will be held in the city of Venice, during the fabulous Carnival of Venice. The Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora, the venue of the event, wll open its doors on Friday 25th of January, until Sunday 27th of January. Thirty-five artists, from different countries, have been selected to be part of this project. organizer: International ArtExpo curators: Luca Curci exhibition & screening place: Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora, Venice dates: January 25/26/27, 2013 from 9 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm opening: January 25, 2013 at Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora at 6:00 pm, Castello 3811/B – Campo della Bragora, Venice – Italy The selections has been based on the main concept of hybridization between identities and urban environment to create a smart life. People, backgrounds, societies, progress and all their inputs creates hybrid identities, modifying each other and being mixed in prospect to shape a better world. Mixing sustainable transport; modern (ICT) communication infrastructure; sustainable economic development; and wise management of natural resources, human, intellectual and social capital, is the key to reach a future better life quality. Be smart. Be hybrid. Be better. During the event will be presented the Solo Show of the performer Ji-Eun Lee, and the video "Chromatic Revelry" by Evann Siebens, winners of "ID / Identities" Istanbul 2012. International ArtExpo in collaboration with It's LIQUID, will offer to all the participants in the exhibition opening (students, artists, architects, designers), the FREE SUBMISSION for It's LIQUID International Contest | Second Edition! You will find the free submission form at the Venue in Venice. After the event, our organization will select the winning artist of 1 year of participation (6 events) in International art exhibitions organized by International ArtExpo, all over the world. International ArtExpo is a not for profit organization that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries. We depend on the support of you. ArtExpo is grateful to all of the institutions, corporations, and individuals who support our efforts. We work with a number of national and international galleries as well as publishers, museums, curators and writers from all over the world. We help artists through solo and group exhibitions, gallery representation, magazine reviews and advertisements, press releases, internet promotion, as well as various curatorial projects. more details International ArtExpo Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33 70122 Bari (Italy) +39.0805234018 +39.3387574098 |
Por favor, ajudem a divulgar.
Estão abertas as inscrições para concurso para professor do Curso de Artes Visuais da Universidade Federal de Rondônia, campus de Porto Velho, nas áreas:
- ARTES / Educação Artística (2 vagas - Mestre).
- ARTES /Artes Plásticas (1 vaga - Mestre).
Edital em:
Ou procure no site da Universidade Federal de Rondônia, digitando no buscador de sua preferência.
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Call for Artists/Architects/Designers: SMART Cities & HYBRID Identities | Venice . January 25/26/27, 2013 Photography / Video Art / Computer Graphics / Architecture / Performing Art Deadline: January 10, 2013 Prize 1 Year of participation in International art exhibitions organized by International ArtExpo, all over the world. International ArtExpo is selecting all interesting video/short films, photo works, computer graphics works, architecture projects and performances, to include in the next 2013 Exhibition: SMART Cities & HYBRID Identities - International Art Festival of Photography, Video Art, Computer Graphics, Architecture and Performing Art, at Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora, Venice, during the fabulous Carnival of Venice. organizer: International ArtExpo curator: Luca Curci opening: January 25, 2013 venue: Scoletta di San Giovanni Battista e del SS. Sacramento in Bragora, Venice dates: January 25/26/27, 2013 The deadline for applications is January 10, 2013 The selections will be based on the main concept of hybridization between identities and urban environment to create a smart life. People, backgrounds, societies, progress and all their inputs creates hybrid identities, modifying each other and being mixed in prospect to shape a better world. Mixing sustainable transport; modern (ICT) communication infrastructure; sustainable economic development; and wise management of natural resources, human, intellectual and social capital, is the key to reach a future better life quality. Be smart. Be hybrid. Be better. The event is open to photography, video art, computer graphics, architecture and performing art. Send your works submission with all the required material via email to or via mail to: International ArtExpo Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33 70122 Bari, Italy The number of works you can submit is unlimited. The participation in the International Art Festival requires an entry fee only for selected artworks. Participation open to: artists, architects and designers, associate groups and studios. During the event will be exhibited the artworks of "ID / Identities" Istanbul 2012 WINNER. After the event, our organization will select the winning artist of 1 year of participation (6 events) in International art exhibitions organized by International ArtExpo, all over the world. International ArtExpo is a not for profit organization that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries. ArtExpo is grateful to all of the institutions, corporations, and individuals who support our artistic projects. We work with a number of national and international galleries as well as publishers, museums, curators and critics from all over the world. We help artists through solo and group exhibitions, gallery representation, magazine reviews and advertisements, press releases, internet promotion, as well as various curatorial projects. International ArtExpo Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33 70122 Bari (Italy) +39.0805234018 +39.3387574098 |
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ID / Identities | Istanbul - Winners! International ArtExpo is proud to announce the WINNERS of ID / Identities festival: - Ji-Eun Lee - UK Performance "Play. Back. Again. Then" Winner of 1 Solo Exhibition in Venice - Evann Siebens - Canada Video work "Chromatic Revelry" Winner of 1 year of participation to International Art Festivals - Tim Haynes - UK Installation "echo_of_an_axe" Winner of 1 week of art residence in Turin (Italy) ID / Identities, International Art Festival of Photography, Video Art, Computer Graphics, Installation and Performing Art, was held in the city of Istanbul, from November 22nd to December 23rd, 2012. The Koza Visual Culture and Arts Association and the Avantgarde Hotel were the venues of the event. Ninety-eight artists, from different countries, had been selected to be part of this project. The selections had been based on the main concept of "Identities" and on all their reflections on cities, bodies, society and cultures, mixing borders between them. Everyday we deal with a multitude of different identities and roles: we face the public life creating and adapting our social identities; our body and aesthetic tastes modify and are modified by our physical and sexual identities; our whole being evolves as well as contemporary cultures and modern cities do. People, environments, societies, progress and all their inputs shape and regenerate our individualities; they shift and overlap with our selves creating a new stimulating world. International ArtExpo Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33 70122 Bari (Italy) +39.0805234018 +39.3387574098 |