terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

PostDigital Art - CAC.3: Last Call for Participation

Divulgando a participação de Tania Fraga e Malu Fragoso (PPGAV) como representantes brasileiras no evento de Arte Computacional na França.


PostDigital Art
3d Computer Art Congress (CAC.3)
November 26-28 @ 104.fr, Paris, France

Registration: http://postdigital.eu

CAC.3 invites artists, intellectuals, engineers and scientists to share and discuss their imaginations, creations, inventions and visions of the post digital art. The world has never appropriated technology in the same way that digital. This technology has penetrated and dominated almost, different facets of our everyday life: cognitive, cultural, economic, psychological, social,… CAC.3 could be considered as intellectual therapy that challenge actors of the society to rethink their innovation approaches and the way they perceive the world, to explore new dimensions of our space, to go forward, to trace their own path, to be followed CAC.3 count on the abilities of artists to explore digital and extra digital spaces in order to anticipate new technological issues that can influence our post digital world.

Program (Agenda)

Day 1 - Monday, Nov/2
Main Trac

14:00 Conference Welcome
(60 min) Edmond Couchot

15:00 The search for emergence in New Media Art practices
(30 min) Pau Alsina

15:45 Brief Reflection on the Anonymity
(30 min) Marcos Salazar Delfino

16:15 Future Potentials for ASCII art
(30 min) Anders Carlsson, A. Bill Miller

16:45 Hyper-Production and the Value of Exquisite Corps on the Web
(30 min) Blanka Earhart

Performances, Installations & Events
Live Performances and Concerts take place after the main track 17:30 - 19:00. The line-up is not yet finalized.

Sougata Bhattacharya

The Unknown Skater - Concert
Jean-Michel Rolland

Tactile Sensations - Concert
Jean-Marc Matos, Grégory Lasserre, Anne Holst, Anaïs Met den Ancxt


Day 2 - Tuesday Nov/27
Main Track

10:00 Keynote

11:15 21st Century Brazilian Computer (Experimental) Art
(30 min) Tania Fraga, Malu Fragoso

11:45 The Post Digital Art is made of Paper, Cardboard and ABS
(30 min) Filipe Pais

12:15 On the separation between the esthetic and the functional - And how the digital realm will steal form
(30 min) Aurélien Michon, Cedric Flazinski, Clément Chalubert

14:00 From Paper to Portable Devices: How to script and read comics?
(30 min) Jérémy Raulet, Catherine Sauvaget, Vincent Boyer

14:30 Designing Natural User Interfaces with Depth Sensing Technologies like the Kinect Sensor - A Tracking Framework for Artists and Designers
(30 min) Michaela Honauer, Jens Geelhaar

15:00 New technologies and non technical students: making contact with creative digital writing
(30 min) Gaétan Darquié

15:45 Disrupting 3D models
(30 min) Everardo Reyes

16:15 Digital Preservation of Ju Ming Stone Sculpture in Taiwan
(30 min) Naai-Jung Shih

16:45 U-rss and the dark side of the moon
(30 min) Marc Veyrat, Franck Soudan

Performances, Installations & Events

Live Performances and Concerts take place after the main track 17:30 - 19:00. The line-up is not yet finalized.

White Blood Cells - Concert

AnAhAtA - Concert
Florent colautti, julia al-Abed, joseph larralde

Feedback Study #4 - Concert
(15 min) Ángel Faraldo


Day 3 - Wednesday, Nov/28
Main Track

10:00 Connected creation: The Art of Sharing
(30 min) Di Bartolo Florent

10:30 Cinema Beings
(30 min) Alain Lioret

11:15 Facebook Chronicles
(30 min) Regina Freyman

11:45 Architectural Ornamentation and Fabrication with Multi Agent System
(30 min) Subhajit Das, Florina Dutt

12:15 Autonomous social Avatars (AsA)
(30 min) Juan Pablo Bertuzzi, Safwan Chendeb, Khaldoun Zreik

14:00 Digital Environment to Envision and Experience the Art of Light and Space
(30 min) Cheng-Hsiu Chuang, Nan-Ching Tai

14:30 Art image classification using Bag-of-Visualterms representation
(30 min) Ferran Reverter, Pilar Rosado, Miquel Angel Planas, Eva Figueras

15:00 Post Anxiety Art: Economies and cultures of digital painting
(30 min) Jo Briggs, Mark Blythe

15:45 Panel Discussion
(90 min) Khaldoun Zreik

Performances, Installations & Events

Live Performances and Concerts take place after the main track 17:30 - 19:00. The line-up is not yet finalized.
No matching entries found.
Every Day (Atelier)

Christopher Coleman, Laleh Mehran » Location: Atelier 6

Et si là, en dessous... / What if, there underneath...
Fred Périé » Location: Atelier 6

NeuralScapes - interactive video-installation
Ricardo Palmieri » Location: Atelier 6

Critical Gameplay Exhibit
Lindsay Grace » Location: Atelier 6

Tania Fraga » Location: Atelier 6

Performance of Electroacoustic Music and Electroacoustic + piano
Nicola Monopoli, Ekaterina Richter » Location: Atelier 6

Morphons and Bions
Kerry Hagan » Location: Atelier 6

A. Bill Miller » Location: Atelier 6

Lyndal Hansby » Location: Atelier 6

The Atrocity Machine
Paul Magee » Location: Atelier 6

Can Henne » Location: Atelier 6

Digital images
Ricardo Mbarkho » Location: Atelier 6

Murphy's Well-Being
Jack Stenner , Greg Ulmer, Barbara Revelle » Location: Atelier 6

Concrete Perl
Nick Montfort » Location: Atelier 6

Nick Montfort » Location: Atelier 6

Plastic Ok?
Stacey Stormes » Location: Atelier 6

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Prof. Khaldoun ZREIK University Paris8 - Hypermedia Department CITU-Pargraphe Research Group (http://www.citu.info) Building D - Office D331 - 2, rue de La Liberte - Saint-Denis cedex 93526 - France tel. + 33(0)149407343 - fax. +33(0)149407318 - cel. +33(0)686008667 e-mail: zreik@univ-paris8.fr / kz@zreik.fr Web site: http://zreik.fr Postdigital Art (CAC.3) - http://postdigital.eu 01Design.8 - http://01design.eu/8 CiDE.15 - http://europia.org/cide15 Journal of Human Mediated Interactions (RIHM) - http://www.RIHM.fr International Journal of Design Sciences & Technology - http://europia.org/IJDST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Maria Luiza P. G. Fragoso
Vice-Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais – PPGAV-EBA- UFRJ
Membro da Diretoria da Associação Nacional de Pesquisadores em Artes Plásticas - ANPAP 2011-2012


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